Interesting (and long winded) start to a much loved series...

So fitting for the relationship between Ty and Zane!
Not going to do a rehash of the plot...just want to clarify my thoughts about the book and to once again equivocate my feelings because this stupid three star review makes everyone think that I didn't like the book. That's really not the case, I promise! It's just that at the end of this book, I didn't put it down with a sense of satisfaction from a story well told, a case closed, a happy-ever-after. I put it down with a sense of anticipation for what's to come, and here's why:
Ty and Zane are such fascinating and complex characters! At any given point in the story, it would be hard to pick a thought out of this book and attribute it to one or the other. Which is, I think, completely opposite from what most people would think starting off reading this but eh... I guess I feel like I still don't know them very well.